affiliate conditions
Welcome to this website, designed exclusively for Affiliate Bible Schools, Colleges, Ministries and Churches. By registering as an Affiliate Member, you are acknowledging and accepting our terms of use and our privacy policy. Once your application is approved by the College, you will gain unrestricted access to the full range of resources offered through this platform. We can also partner with any Affiliate to supply from our College a Certificate of Accreditation for each student according to their achievements.
There are two levels of Affiliate Membership. Firstly there is the Affiliate who has signed up via the website and therefore only has access to our website and its resources. Secondly there is the Registered Affiliate who, in addition, has access to the College website and the Google Drive Library.
The first step therefore is to sign up via our website to apply to become an Affiliate Member of the College. Following this we will email you to obtain further information in regard to your needs and our prerequisites.
In addition, to ensure compliance with Australian not-for-profit regulations, we require our Affiliate Bible Schools, Colleges, Ministries and Churches to register with us in order to be included in our Registry of Affiliates before we can potentially provide any financial support, both now or in the future.
Registered Affiliates must demonstrate that they share the similar goals, structure and values, as those aligned with our mission. By registering, Affiliates acknowledge and accept our terms of use and our privacy policy.
Once we receive your signed registration form, including the name of your Affiliate Bible College, School or Ministry, we will issue a Certificate of Registration. The Affiliate Agreement must be signed by the authorized head of the institution, with their title included and an email address provided for future correspondence.
As a Registered Affiliate, you will have access to our Google Drive Library, where you can download the College resources, organized under your registered name.
Each Affiliate has the freedom to establish their own set of criteria and develop a distinctive framework for their Bible School or College curriculum, utilising the teachings of the Crossroads College. Within the teachings used to formulate the distinctive curriculum of the Affiliate, however, students must answer the questions according to the study material provided.
Registered Affiliates desiring the College to issue Certificates of Achievement
Affiliates desiring to have Crossroads International Bible College issue Certificates of Achievement will receive certificates uniquely linked to both the College and the Affiliate. This allows each certificate to reflect the particular College curriculum chosen by the Affiliate.
Please note, in accordance with our study guidelines, students are reminded of the following statement before they answer any questions:
Again, we understand that not everyone participating in the studies will agree with every aspect which is taught. However, students are required to answer the questions based on the material presented in the study booklets.
Affiliates are responsible for maintaining a registry of student achievements. Once a student completes a series or course, the Affiliate must send the student’s name and percentage scores to the College registry via email for certification processing.
Our Foundation Studies Course consists of SEVEN initial studies designed to build a strong Biblical understanding of foundational doctrine. Each study is carefully crafted to deepen students’ knowledge and faith, and includes questions that reinforce key teachings, with a “fill in the blanks” section at the end of each booklet. We are confident that this course will provide a solid framework for all who are seeking to either instil or be refreshed in important spiritual principles and core beliefs. We believe that the integration of this foundational course into your curriculum will greatly benefit your community members.
To fully benefit from these studies, we recommend that students should aim to dedicate an average of TEN to TWENTY hours study for each of the SEVEN booklets before they attempt to answer the questions. This kind of approach will help the student retain and assimilate the Biblical truths that are highlighted and revealed.
Note: The College booklet titled Studying is designed to help students maximize the effectiveness of their studies and achieve optimal results.
Christian Studies Module Series
As students progress, our Christian Studies Module Series will then offer a structured and engaging pathway to facilitate deeper spiritual learning and understanding. These teachings are designed to be applicable and highly beneficial not only for those who are young in the faith, but also for older Christians, as well as those aspiring to enter into ministry or those already involved in ministry.
With Series 1, 2, and 3, your students will explore a wide range of Christian doctrines and their application, supported by multiple choice questions that challenge and inspire. Upon completing each series, students will receive Certificates of Completion which recognise their achievements.
We would recommend an average time of THIRTY to FORTY hours per study be devoted to each of the Module study books. Once again, this would assist the student to retain and assimilate the precious Biblical truths that are expounded from the Word.
Note: The College booklet titled Studying is designed to help students maximize the effectiveness of their studies and achieve optimal results.
Extensive Teaching Resources for Leaders and Others.
We are also pleased to provide you with access to our extensive collection of over 75 teaching resources. These teaching booklets are designed to equip your leaders and members with the doctrinal depth and practical insights necessary for effective ministry and service. Whether used to refresh current leaders or to educate members with different levels of knowledge and experience, these resources will become an invaluable asset to your community as it functions within the Body of Christ.
Terms of Use and Privacy Policy is as follows:
When approved by the College, this Affiliate Agreement is entered into between Crossroads International Bible College ("the College") and the registered Affiliate Member.
After signing up to become an Affiliate Member via our website, you will be given approval to access all the College materials and resources.
This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which those applying for membership may become an Affiliate of Crossroads International Bible College- to promote, support and benefit by its programs.
1. Definitions
a. "Affiliate" refers to the church, college, school, or ministry entering into this agreement to promote, support and benefit by the programs offered by Crossroads International Bible College.
b. "The College" refers to Crossroads International Bible College which provides the educational programs.
c. "Programs" refers to the courses, training, resources and any related educational material provided by Crossroads International Bible College.
2. Affiliate Promotion and Support a. Crossroads International Bible College grants the Affiliate a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to promote and support its programs within its community and network. b. The Affiliate shall use reasonable efforts to promote and endorse the programs in a manner that aligns with the values and mission of Crossroads International Bible College. c. The Affiliate shall not make any false or misleading representations regarding the programs or indeed Crossroads International Bible College itself.
3. Statement of Beliefs a. The Affiliate acknowledges and agrees to uphold the Statement of Beliefs set forth by Crossroads International Bible College, a statement which outlines the theological, doctrinal, and ethical principles which guide the College's mission. b. The Affiliate shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with the Statement of Beliefs and shall not engage in any actions that contradict or undermine the principles outlined therein.
4. Compensation
a. The Affiliate's participation in the affiliate program is voluntary and does not involve monetary compensation.
b. Crossroads International Bible College may provide non-monetary benefits to the Affiliate, such as access to certain resources, or other agreed-upon arrangements.
c. Any specific benefits or incentives which may be provided to the Affiliate shall be outlined in a separate agreement or communicated in writing via email.
5. Intellectual Property a. Crossroads International Bible College retains all intellectual property rights to its programs, including, but not limited to, copyrights, trademarks, and patents. b. The Affiliate shall not use Crossroads International Bible College's trademarks, logos, or copyrighted materials without obtaining prior written permission.
6. Termination a. Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice to the other party. b. Upon termination, the Affiliate shall cease all promotion and support activities related to Crossroads International Bible College's programs.
7. Confidentiality a. The Affiliate shall treat all non-public information received from Crossroads International Bible College as confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party without Crossroads International Bible College's prior written consent. b. The obligations of confidentiality shall survive the termination of this Agreement.
8. Independent Relationship a. This Agreement does not create an employment relationship, partnership, or joint venture between Crossroads International Bible College and the Affiliate. b. The Affiliate acts independently and is solely responsible for any taxes, insurance, or other obligations arising from their activities under this Agreement. By signing up on the College website, as an Affiliate member (as the authorised representative of the Affiliate), you are acknowledging that you have read and understood this Agreement, and hereby agree to be bound by its terms and conditions, and affirm your commitment to uphold the Statement of Beliefs set forth by Crossroads International Bible College.
We hold to the same statement of beliefs as the Australian Christian Churches (A.C.C.).
"The Holy Scriptures, known as the Bible, is the inspired Word of God and our all-sufficient rule for faith and practice. These articles of faith of the Australian Christian Churches (formerly Assemblies of God in Australia), grounded in these scriptures, are given as a basis for belief, fellowship and ministry “that we all preach the same thing” (1 Corinthians 1:10). Let it be remembered, however, that this is not given as a summary of the complete revelation of biblical truth, only that it covers our present needs as to these fundamental doctrines."
We believe in God, who is eternal and self-existent, revealed as one being in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the creator of all things.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, ministering in teaching, healing, and miracles. He was crucified and died on our behalf. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where He is now seated and exalted at the right hand of the Father as the risen Lord and intercessor.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, fully divine, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. He convicts, regenerates and sanctifies, and guides believers into all truth.
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God and our highest authority for faith and practice.
We believe that God created the universe and that all people are created in the image of God, to love and worship God.
We believe in the existence and person of the devil, who actively opposes the purposes of God.
We believe that all people have rejected God through their sinful acts and are separated from God.
We believe that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone who, by His suffering, shed blood, death on the cross, and resurrection, has made full atonement for the sins of all people. We receive salvation by grace through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that the church, the body of Christ, is the community of people who confess faith in Jesus Christ. While universal, the church is local in expression and witness. It exists for worship, fellowship, evangelism, discipleship, and mission. Gifts of ministry are given by Christ to strengthen and mature the church.
We believe in water baptism by single immersion in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a public declaration of a person's faith in, and identification with, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Lord's Supper, which is in symbolic remembrance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ until He returns.
We believe in the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, who convicts people of their sin and inspires repentance and faith. The Holy Spirit transforms believers into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is a transformative experience, distinct from and subsequent to salvation. It is available to all believers and accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. It results in empowerment for effective witness to the world.
We believe that the Holy Spirit imparts spiritual gifts to believers for ministry to one another, the Church, and the world.
We believe that God heals today through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. By praying in faith for healing and miracles, we bear witness to and continue the ministry of Jesus Christ.
We believe in, and look forward to, the imminent and personal return of Jesus Christ to gather his people to Himself and to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the resurrection of the body. All who believe in Jesus Christ will have everlasting life in the presence of God; those who reject Him will have eternal separation from God. It is the call of all believers to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ until He returns.
Note.By signing up to become an Affiliate Member, you are agreeing to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy
After Registration, write to us below for a password to access the Flipbook.